7 Things We Want to Do as a Result of the #Aynahtrip

DSC_1518What’s education worth if it doesn’t lead you to new perspectives and action? We’re not really sure. So we asked students what they were inspired to do after a week of exploring cooperatives in North Carolina. Here are the top 7 things they identified:

  1. Make our student chapters an exhibit of cooperation by operating democratically and bring cooperative education to
    people that don’t know.
  2. Incorporate cooperative principles into our everyday lives.
  3. Seek out cooperative businesses in our lives at home.DSC_1631
  4. Find ways to really be a part of community.
  5. Present the idea of cooperation in any situation where we, along with other people, identify acommon economic, social, or cultural need.
  6. Go on future Aynah trips.*
  7. Move to North Carolina.

*We swear we didn’t plant this one. But it is our favorite. 🙂

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