Why we’re jazzed to go to Madison

If the meerkat post didn’t convince you, (which it really should have, let’s be honest), this has GOT to. We are going to be visiting with some really rad folks on our short trip to Madison. Here’s the overview:

Rainbow Bookstore

What they do: A cooperatively owned and collectively managed bookstore, resource center, and media outlet that provides books and resources which challenge the status quo.

Why we’re excited: A sweet hybrid model that’s owned by consumers and democratically run by a volunteer collective. There’s enough to be learned from that, we don’t even need to start digging into their books.

Interpreter’s Cooperative of Madison

What they do: Simultaneous interpretation that is used for conferences. Offered in Spanish, Hmong, Portuguese, and Russian.

Why we’re excited: We’ve seen these folks at work at the ACE Institute the past two years and they are so impressive at what they do.

Community Pharmacy

What they do: Community Pharmacy is an independent, worker-managed cooperative which promotes health by providing a range of affordable options for prescriptions, herbs, supplements, body care and homeopathic remedies.

Why we’re excited: A worker-owned pharmacy offering alternatives to conventional medicine? Yes please! They’re also in the process of expanding which means they’ll have great stories to tell about scaling up worker cooperation.

Four Star Video

What they do: They rent movies!

Why we’re excited: They rent movies! (And they have some co-op movies we can rent for a movie night on our trip) Double win.

Isthmus Engineering

What they do: Conceptualizes, designs, and build custom automation equipment for various applications.

Why we’re excited: Our non-engineering brains can hardly comprehend all of the hard work these folks do, and while maintaining commitment to reducing their carbon footprint, supporting charitable causes, and operating democratically. What a crew!

Union Cab

What they do: Create jobs at a living wage or better in a safe, humane, and democratic environment by providing quality transportation services in the greater Madison area.

Why we’re excited: Generally speaking, cab driving seems like a trodden-on industry. Folks at the top tend to take a lot of profit. So a democratically owned and run cab company kind of knocks our socks off.

Nature’s Bakery

What they do: A worker-owned and managed co-op specializing in organic whole grains. They offer a variety of vegetarian and vegan organic whole grain baked goods, including sliced bread, pita. granola, burgers, calzones, essene bread, wheat-free flat bread, trail mix, and cookies.

Why we’re excited: Did you see the list of baked goods above?!

Villari’s Martial Arts

What they do: They’re part of a nation-wide system of martial arts centers.

Why we’re excited: Besides the fact that they’re a martial arts center, which is cool enough on its own, the current manager and chief instructor at the school actively participates in sexual assault prevention activism and education, including women’s self defense classes.


What they do: A cooperative organization promoting worker ownership and democratic workplaces in Wisconsin.

Why we’re excited: Principle 6 – Cooperation Among Cooperatives. ‘Nough said!

So join us! There’s enough goodness in all of this for a lifetime of cooperative learning and we’re packing it into a fun-filled four-day whirlwind. Bring it, Madison!

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